There are some seasons on the homestead with a flurry of abundant growth, exciting projects, new additions, ideas, and experiments. And there are others of slow plodding, putting one foot in front of the other and trying to make it through. The former fuels a passion and excitement for each day. The fumes that run the latter have us just trying to make it through. Of course, this is true for all of life so why should we expect it to be any different?
Our season of life has us experiencing the latter this spring. Busyness with wage work and older children have us taking each day as it comes with very little planning or forward thinking. But as I sit to journal the last six weeks since my last update, looking back, I can see a broader view and our farm has grown and refined regardless of the lack of thoughtful intention. Of course, this is true for all of life so why should we expect it to be any different?