I love this! Takes the pressure off, for sure.

I bet you could try fermenting some of your scapes vs. pickling them with a canner next year! My haul wasn’t as big. But It crossed my mind to try.

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I thought of fermenting them & bet that would be a delicious way to preserve them! Wish I could...My husband has histamine intolerance so we're avoiding ferments until he gets that under control. (Fermented food is high in histamine along with many other foods in the traditional "homesteaders diet", go figure. 😒) He's doing SO much better this summer than last so hopefully next year!

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This is so interesting and valuable to me! I’ve always wondered what it looks like to plan and execute preserves like this, I never have done it but always fantasized about growing enough to have a store for the winter!

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Aug 13, 2022Liked by Quinn

This is so helpful-- thanks so much for sharing. I always feel like if I can't do enough of something to completely last the year, it isn't worth doing; but I need to get out of that mindset. In the past I've always done a ton of canning but I hate it and I'm trying to use other methods more, like fermentation. Knowing exactly what others are putting up (and how much!) is so very helpful and it encourages me to try new things, even if it's just a little bit.

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